Q3_Week_27: Market Outlook and Traders Tips: ‘Keep It Moving’

Q2_Week_26: Market Outlook

Currencies: The USD has been consolidating after seeing the big push up over a week ago. We are looking for a continuation on the dollar. Because of this, we are actively looking for shorts on pairs such as GBP/USD, EUR/USD and AUD/USD. We do have a speech from the...
Q3_Week_27: Market Outlook and Traders Tips: ‘Keep It Moving’

Q2_Week_25: Market Outlook

Currencies: The USD saw a massive push up on Thursday and Friday last week. This was off the back of the FOMC release. A hawkish surprise from the Federal Reserve, with the main takeaway being that they have shifted towards two rate hikes in 2023 from a previous of...
Q3_Week_27: Market Outlook and Traders Tips: ‘Keep It Moving’

Q2_Week_24: Market Outlook

Currencies: As mentioned in last weeks blog. The USD has been ranging for some time, but we were leaning to more upside.  We have now seen the dollar start to make its move up.  However, we do need to be weary that we are coming up to certain levels where we could...
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