• Course Content

The content provided in Ben’s course is above any other Forex course on the market. He walks you through every part of trading from start to finish and BEYOND. He fills all the gaps that other ‘mentors’ in the industry purposely leave out. The in depth information on all necessary topics is priceless and is completely unmatched by anyone else in the industry.

• Private Weekly Analysis Telegram

This is GOLDEN. Weekly analysis, setups, and real time info on what we should be looking at throughout each week. These are not signals but merely a heads up to use alongside your own analysis. The strategy taught within the course allows everyone involved to be on the same page with the same simplistic setups. This course really does simplify trading and that alone will level up your performance and progression in the market.

• Private Members Telegram

I haven’t seen a trading telegram group like this. Its not your average Telegram group with thousands of people all looking for signals or quick money. This group is a friendly, like minded and success driven group of people who are all on similar journeys with similar goals. Everyones analysis is easy to understand as everyone is trading in a similar way (because of the course). Not to mention, the humour shared and MAD PIPS being made each day.

• Customer Service

The customer service is also extremely responsive and professional. You can get in touch with Ben directly at pretty much any given time. He is honest and to the point. He works his hardest to further enhance each and everyone of his members trading. All in all, the customer service provided is industry leading and personable.


I would buy it 3 times over, honestly. BSAPPSFX provides quality content at an affordable cost. The platform will continue to grow and become even better, so in my opinion the investment is not only worth it, BUT a f*cking steal of a deal.

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