Ive been learning forex for around 3 years properly. Ive always had a vision of simple strategies and big risk rewards of 1:3, 1:5 and things like that. Ive held that vision for years without knowing if it was even possible. I stumbled across BSAPPSFX on instagram and after assessing a few of the instagram guys courses that were on offer I landed on BSAPPSFX due to the fact it was a one-off payment and would make me self sufficient. On top of that Ben gives massive input and throws up charts multiple times daily. On top of that, theres also a group chat with hundreds of like minded people bouncing their ideas off one another to confirm confluences and construct trade strategies together. Its absolutely brlliant. Im only 3 weeks in and im consistently profitable for the first time ever and even on slow periods its slow because I know why im not in the market instead of being confused about not being good enough to see an option. For those who want to see FX become a component of their life, and look towards being 100% self sufficient and also get the benefit of a billiant group who will bring addition things to your field of vision this is the place to be! Ben is always available and joins the group chat every day too, you can really tel this is his life and he lives for this. He loves this stuff and his passion shines through. No egos here, just a helpful positive awesome place to be. Not sitting alone at home all night on the charts anymore, Im with the crew, and were banking!

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