If you have ever tuned into any of Ben’s instagram lives or glanced at his posts then it would have become immediately apparent that his Forex analysis skills are on par or above that of anyone else in this space. So before even purchasing the course I already knew that the content in the course would be of the highest quality possible and it was.
What has completely blown me away however is the level of customer service Ben provides which is something that no other FX course provider (even ones charging 10x his price) have been able to provide. A small anecdote supporting this is that he moved every single one of his videos in the course (hours and hours of content) to a different platform simply because a handful of us had a tiny bit of slowness at times when watching them. An issue so minor most companies wouldnt even glance at and yet Ben moved platforms IMMEDIATELY to guarantee the best experience possible.
This continued support, the constant additions to the already available course content, along with the army of traders he has already created is what assures me that I will be a successfull trader as with his backing it would be hard not to really!